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Despotic Legal System Commits Cruelty to the Core of Humanity


"Canon law is the book of rules that the Catholic Church lives by", "Under Canon law, priests are authorized to protect the church from scandals."* This is exactly the same principles and behaviors that the Contra Costa County Legal System & their cohorts are operating under. Pursuant to California & U.S. laws, this is Organized Crime.

As of February 13, 2019, I'm still being mocked and deprived of basic and fundamental property rights and civil rights, here in my community, Contra Costa County, Martinez, California, USA. I'm still living in desolation and helplessness due to the cruel and inhumane terrorist attacks plotted and conspired against me by the women and men of our legal system - that's how they are spending tax-payer's money, adding up to millions of dollars to cover-up secret demonic sexualizing by government officials and medical professionals on unsuspecting people.

My shopping transactions, online social media activities are still being sabotaged and they change my spelling and grammar in articles, as well as neighbors, landlord, and the landlord's immigrant workers (limited English language or very minimal) are also interfering with my right to live with safety and quality of life by illegally shutting of the water at the street side water main, instead of inside the unit next door during the weekend last November. The gov terrorists have altered my Part 4, Patch article, "Legal System practices "Dangerous Psychology" is Demonic, Part 4: Justices and Judges practice their Catholic upbringing in Court is Outrageous!" (Click here for article) by changing the title to not-bold text for the opening paragraph, they changed my post date from October 31, 2018 to November 1, 2018 and I had to make numerous attempts to get my photo artwork to fit properly because they kept sabotaging the sizing. They've even sabotaged internet links and changed my FB texts to make it look like I'm lying - All for their Dirty-Big-Secret, Scandalous Cover-up criminal rampaging. They've even deployed evildoers to touch me inappropriately to purposely and mockingly infringe on my physical body and space, including my longtime insurance company, State Farm. Just today I went to Fry's Electronics and while I was waiting for the store to open, about 20 minutes, a senior man came up to me and talked about his dog and mine, Winnie. Then the young store employee opened the exit door and waved to me to come in through the exit door and at that time the senior man areed. I walked over to enter and he closed the door and opened the entrance door and everyone waiting began entering. I hadn't been there for some time and didn't realize he was telling me to go through the exit door. But do you see the cruelty behind this sinister and elaborate plotted behavior. It's their bizarre and deranged lesson because they teach their own to be deceptive and steal from their target(s), even sex. This is not Public Safety and Quality of Life which was already written in California's law books before the last election.

Recently passed, Measure X, for the City of Martinez for Quality of Life/Essential Services Measure, did not disclose to the general public that previous tax-payer's money for local and county law enforcement and the Legal System has been used to, not only, deny unsuspecting people their fundamental property and civil rights, but for the women and men of government, including our representatives, to perpetrate heinous destructive acts against their target(s) and commit treachery to get away with conspiracies of lying, and harmfully deceiving our communities in Central Contra Costa County, the knowledge that the government is intentionally defrauding us and stealing our money by secretly, vehemently and by use of trickery to deny us (citizens) for applying already WRITTEN LAWS and rightful justice to our lives, with the intent to permanently destroy the Justice seeker, hence they(Victim(s)) dare seek Justice to create Peace in hopes to try and heal. DEMAND THEY BE INDICTED AND CONVICTED!

I proved through evidence that the Cruel Court is operated and connected to the Roman Catholic Church. This devotion and protection of the religious sect(even if you are not Catholic), resulting in sexualizing and hateful actions on unsuspecting people that need court services, needs main stream media exposure about the victims of cruel court and conniving retaliatory law enforcement officers and Justice for Encina Victims, and Justice in the vile and permanent destruction of Perri Mink, in case, People v Mink. Silencing the victims creates more abuse. If you go along with silencing, and you don't speak up, you are part of the terrorist group.

The women and men of the legal system here are deranged and heterophobic. They think their sex is "good" sex and "moral" sex and for unsuspecting people, who end up in the legal system, equates to dirty sex and "immoral" sex, and their actions are to maniacally teach bizarre and threatening lessons through depraved and absurd punishments. For example, A simple greeting, listening, looking directly into eyes of communicators, wearing weather appropriate clothing, being a single, heterosexual female, etc..., means the female is inviting sexual advances, encouraging stealing and asking for rape. This is a taught M.O. and a flagrant excuse to get rid of the litigant, in my case, Mink v Encina Veterinary Clinic, Inc. et al. They are covering-up their secret demonic sexualizing and secret demonic sex endeavor scams to steal from you, the unsuspecting U.S. citizen and visitors to the U.S. by government approved highly educated people who believe and practice human trafficking. Which equates to people who believe and practice using people up, then switch to someone else for their own gratification and benefits. They have no moral compass.

The perverted government legal system women (men) hate females, but won't tell the public.

I attended the Small Claims workshop at the courthouse in Pittsburg, California, in east county in Contra Costa County, to get help for my small claims civil lawsuit against the mobile home park (Click here for Small Claims case, CSC07-1321, Mink v Town & Country, "Superior Court of California Contra Costa County, My Court Case") and the facilitator, Gloria, a woman lawyer, discouraged a black woman from assistance and she walked out, a young, blonde female, dressed very appropriately and clean, who stayed to the end, and me, when Gloria was extremely helpful and gave very detailed and specific information to an overweight, scuffy, White man who lived in a mobile home park. My thoughts were that she is a disgusting woman, however, I diplomatically and simply said, "Thank you", as I walked out when the workshop ended. Is Gloria a lesbian? Is she or was she having sex with Judge Barbara Zuniga, Commissioner Judith Sanders, Judge Mary Ann O'Malley, Judge Clare Maier, or anyone else?

Despicably, these same legal system government women officials make public statements that they protect women's rights, knowing they are ruining females, denying them their basic fundamental rights, and blaming them for male sex addiction, and imaginary male sex endeavors in the community. This is pure cruelty and inhumanity because females are not the cause of male sex addiction or their secret demonic sexualizing!

In this January 2008, Diablo Magazine article, "Dynamic Duos" (Click here for article), Presiding Judge Mary Ann O'Malley makes a grossly exaggerated statement pretending women's rights and women's families are at the foremost concern to her when in fact, she plotted with Judge Barbara Zuniga, Commissioner Judith Sanders, possibly "bed-talked" with her husband, attorney, Dan O'Malley, and even Commissioner Joel Golub, who made illegal and barbaric decisions regarding many lawsuits against Encina Veterinary Clinic, Inc. et al (dba Encina Veterinary Hospital) clients that were heard at the courthouse in Walnut Creek, California, which included the bench warrant issued against client, Craig Watkins, the scandalous Walter Fluharty case, and the victim(s), Ben Tarcher and his son, who were deprived of defending themselves in the case against Ben Tarcher, that I witnessed, and in my case where she immediately deprived me of my rightful civil rights and mocked me, instead of rationally writing a sex discrimination, sex orientation discrimination and gender discrimination complaint to the Commission on Judicial Performance. The opening introduction about her, "MaryAnn O'Malley presides over a courtroom at Contra Costa County Superior Court, where she listens to mothers of murdered children testify about their pain and sentences killers to die.", this is hogwash. She mocked me to destroy me. Not only referring to me as "Mr.", she inappropriately uses the word, "seed", regarding her bizarre thoughts on my rights. She never filed an official formal complaint with anyone! As explained in my Part 3, Patch article, "Judges practices Catholic Social Action is illegal!" (Click here for article), she states in a responsive letter to me, "I, as the presiding judge, have no authority to review, overrule, intervene in or otherwise affect the outcome of any matter proceeding before another judicial officer." - That's all lies! I don't know her, I just know she is in charge of the courthouse and she is a government employee/ Official. Mary Ann O'Malley ruined the legal system with her searching for District Attorney men to make herself "look good", seeking sex relations, flirting in the work place, sexualizing, looking to marry, and use tax-payer's money to live-it-up and do nothing for our community. She is a criminal and supports, protects, and encourages consumer fraud, secret demonic sexualizing both in government offices and veterinary practices, and making the legal system defunct and extremely sub-standard, as in third world. Again in another news article, the O'Malleys keep bragging about being married within the legal system. Marrying co-workers, fraternizing within the legal system and government should be OUTLAWED! In this 2000-02-22, SFGATE article, "Contra Costa, Solano County Pick Judges March 7 / Three-way races for two of the spots" (Click here for article), "If her husband is elected, the O'Malleys would be one of 27 married couples serving as judges in California, according to candidate O'Malley.", quote from this article. Twenty-seven married couples are prostituting in our legal system is probably just a small percentage of the "hooking" and "seedy sex culture" they manifested and live-out and in the process, their dirty-sex lives made them so immoral and low-life they can't make proper and lawful decisions to serve and protect Americans. Instead, they cover-up their sex-trade culture, puff themselves up to appear perfect and legitimately working and take out their aggressions on unsuspecting people who need services, while all the time, blaming heterosexual females for all the evil, inappropriate and criminal acts committed in our community and automatically deprive them of their rights, sending the message that their sex is "good" sex and moral, and that pertaining to females in the community is that their sex is "bad" and immoral justifying why they used millions of tax-payer's money to go into to my entire sex life alone, and slandered me, mega-lied about me, libeled me, and degraded me to their sadomasochistic, sociopathic, dirty-rag-doll ideals.

It is EVIDENCED that these gov women are in no way protecting women's rights.

Instead, the women in the legal system are total liars and only appear to protect women if it works for them.

1. Recently, Gus Kramer, the County Assessor, was censured for sexual comments made to two women in the work place. "“As is stated in resolution, elected officials need to be above reproach regarding their duties,” Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Karen Mitchoff said. “This is not something we take any pleasure in. It’s a very unfortunate situation.”", quote from The Mercury News article, "Contra Costa supervisors censure county assessor over sexual comments" (Click here for article). Supervisor Mitchoff made a public statement of her disgust of Kramer's sexual comments to two women in the government. However, when I complained to Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, she fluffed-me-off, a "clean" (private work sector employee and self-employed) citizen claiming she can do NOTHING - That's a lie! Do you see the gross discrimination. Karen Mitchoff does not care and protect women's rights, only if it benefits her, then does she speak up against female gender discrimination.

(Photos below of Mitchoff's letter response that, "I (Karen) am not able...", to my letter of desperate pleas of helpless and rightful justice demands.)

2. Another recent sex harassment case is regarding Contra Costa County Superior Court Judge John Laettner who is accused of "sexual harassment" and "sex discrimination". Public Defender Robin Lipetzky did absolutely nothing to protect me, but instead went along with the Destruction of a Witness and Obstruction of Justice process with "Bad blood" attorney Jane Elliot, Judge Clare Maier and Presiding Judge Diana Becton, and Judge Barbara Zuniga, Commissioner Judith Sanders, and Presiding Judge Mary Ann O'Malley. Public Defender Lipetzky reported the egregious and degrading acts upon females to the Presiding Judge Jill Fannin, the same judge listed on my change .org petition (Click here for my petition), then filed a formal complaint with the CJP, as revealed in October 5, 2018, The Mercury News article, "Contra Costa judge accused of sexual harassment says he's victim of public defender's smear campaign" (Click here for article), quoting, “When I realized that his behavior was not limited in time or scope to one or two attorneys, I decided it was my responsibility to take this information to the presiding judge,” Lipetzky said in an email. “To that end, I asked that the attorneys who had experienced inappropriate behavior by Judge Laettner document the details in memo form for me to submit to the presiding judge. My intention at that time was to ask the presiding judge to transfer Judge Laettner to an assignment where our attorneys ("females") would not have to appear in front of him.”, and "After bringing the matter to the presiding judge, Lipetzky said, she was advised to file a formal complaint with the Commission on Judicial Performance, which she did after discussing it with the attorneys who made the complaints."

Clearly, these two gov officials are doing nothing to protect me, a female. They are sadomasochists and participating in destroying me and watching me suffer. (Below is a copy of a 4 page letter, where again, I am desperately articulating in rational and explanatory manner, pleading that the charge(s) be dropped and the case dismissed. Public Defender Lipetzky and attorney Elliot, both women, utterly and completely ignored me, but ramped up the terrorist attacks to protect their sex and hate cult.)

(Omitted: Exhibit 2, 17 pages of "PLAINTIFF'S STATEMENT OF DISQUALIFICATION OS JUDGE" Barbara Zuniga. Viewable on Perri Mink's Facebook, Click here for FB Link.)

(Omitted: Exhibit 4, copy of letter from Encina Veterinary Clinic, Inc. et al (dba Encina Veterinary Hospital) Johnson states that, "In all his experience, vaccinations have not been a limiting factor...". Viewable on Perri Mink's Facebook, Click here for FB Link.)

(Below is part of Elvira's medical record, obtained in January 2007, two months before I received the Right-To-Sue-Letter from the California Veterinary Medical Board, where Encina instructs me to "Come in".)

(Below is the next page of Elvira's medical record and again Encina instructs me (Perri Mink) to "come in" and I declined. Also lists conspiracy with previously visited, veterinary practice, Alpine.)

Evidenced: Perri Mink (a legitimately paying, longtime client, and dependent of medical information from professionals about her beloved fuzzy family member) did not want to keep taking Elvira into Encina as evidenced in Elvira's medical records about 6 days after Encina plotted and trapped Perri and Elivra into their heinous fraud schemes, mounting almost $20,000 in unnecessary veterinary bills, causing Great Bodily Injuries on both Elvira and Perri with both very noticeable helplessness, physically deterioration, suffering and trauma, that is also evidenced.

I filed another formal complaint while out on bail with the State Bar of California and the woman Deputy Trial Counsel Jean Cha, closed my letter-of-desperate-and-helpless-pleas-complaint-of-demands four times in her one, 2-page, letter, and goes on to say that I'm "mentally incompetent on December 8, 2012, December 15, 2012 and January 13, 2012, by the criminal court judge.", which doesn't make any sense at all and another bully-high-school-girl-gossip-rampage to shut-me-up. The judge I believe she is referring to the Judge Clare Maier. Judge Maier criminally premeditated and conspired with other(s) to maliciously destroy me. The truth is when I spoke up for myself to defend and protect my rights, they called that, "mental incompetence". These vile government women owe the state of California the money that they stole from tax-payer's to fulfill their "bad" attitude, snobbishness, pompousness, bully clique and devotion to their sex and hate cult.

(Below is scanned letter from the State Bar of California where my complaint is closed 4 times):

My life was and is in these women's hands and very clearly evidenced is their destructive motives, not professional and proper motives to protect me pursuant to California Laws. Demand they be indicted and convicted to the full extent of the laws. Their decisions are based on their personal likes and dislikes not on facts, evidence and laws. For example: They would never accept my hereditary eye disability weakness, that I was told as a child, called "Crossed Eyes", and then "Lazy Eye" (I learned in about 2009, the former is called, "Strabismus", and the latter is called, "Amblyopia") that are not covered under the ADA (American's with Disabilities Act) because people with this eye disability can still work and, people are to get along in the work place, in neighborhoods and during business transactions, and not make-fun-of people, and not discriminate.

In October of 2018, having jogged my memory about the court program taking me to the local bus administration offices for bus riders, I learned that the Contra Costa County Behavioral Health Court program, I was forced into, directed by Dr. Martha "Marti" Wilson, psychologist, had checked off a box on the Regional Transit Connection (for County Connection bus transportation as they denied me from driving my new truck) "Medical Certification Form" claiming that I'm "disability permanent", "Yes" checked-off, under "DSM code: 297.1", which is Delusional Disorder and is described as an open ended behavior based on some else's ideals, interpretations and perceptions of someone else to deny them the right to full participation in society. This is outright DANGEROUS PSYCHOLOGY. I was SHOCKED and TERRIFIED all over again. If I were a man that these government women liked, they thought I was cute and handsome man and made them feel good, look good, and they benefited in some way, I would not be slandered and libeled. There's numerous men who have one eye or blind and are accepted, uplifted in their careers and interests and in their work environments and accepted by a spouse. The person making decisions chooses on their own who they care about and who they don't and that is reflected in the results of their decisions and whether they follow the laws or follow their bully and criminal-minded thoughts.

(Below is the scanned "Medical Certification Form" signed by Dr. Martha ("Marti") Wilson. This is a fraudulent document generated by Dr. Wilson and those she conspired with. I demand that she be indicted and convicted for Destruction of a Witness, Obstruction of Justice, Intimidation, Deprivation of Civil Rights, Witness and Evidence Tampering, Conspiracy, Perjury, ...):

How can I be permanently delusional my whole life when my record shows I'm responsible?

It's because the debauched and debased Legal System is lying about me.

I had a credit score of 820 regular and 802 auto in November 2005. I discovered my credit score after my 1988 Toyota Corolla (over 314,000 miles and over 17 years old that my mom bought for me brand new) broke down on the job and I purchased a Toyota Tacoma at the Walnut Creek Toyota Dealer and when they ran my credit; that's when I was informed. I was 45 years old.

(Below is a photo of my new Toyota Tacoma in a church parking lot in 2006.)

(Below is a photo of my 1988 Toyota Corolla taken in 2001 at Heather Farm Park, Walnut Creek, California, that I detailed myself regularly about twice or once per month during my 1 to 4 jobs at one time schedule.)

(Below is a photo of my sanctuary home in Concord, California. I paid $45,000 cash from increased sales of my first time buyer condominium home in Pleasant Hill, California, in 2004. I am an established resident of central Contra Costa County since 1995.)

(Below is a photo of my sanctuary home garden I loved to take care of myself and maintain)

(Below is a photo of my beloved Pug, Stella, and Candy in our backyard.)

(Below is a photo of my beloved Pug, Elvira in our new single dwelling, sanctuary home in Concord, California in 2004, that we longed for.)

You can view many more photos of my life, my beloved fuzzy family members, my "clean" avocations throughout decades of my adult life, including photos of actually documents proving I'm the property owner, receipts, and numerous evidence.

The gov women (men), through their own thoughts, beliefs, practices and actions are heterophobic of single females and female Christians; we can see the results of their destructive rampages to kill me off, over and over again, even though I've done nothing wrong to them or to the veterinary practice, Encina Veterinary Clinic, Inc. et al. Here are links to my other Patch articles that tell a horrific Cruel Court Trap and government:

More Catholic abusers in communities and terms, phrases, and illegal, and demonic motives specific to Cruel Catholic M.O.

1. In the murder case where prominent lawyer, and former Prosecutor Thomas J. Capano lived a double life and one of his mistresses, Ann Marie Fayhey, was terrorized by him when she tried to end the affair. Both are Catholic. He had an addiction to women and control. H would break the gifts he gave her and incessantly harass her through phone calls. He wanted to run her over with his car. He thought he could get away with murder. Ann's family filed a civil lawsuit against him and was awarded an undisclosed amount. Click here for the Dateline 48 Hours Mystery, "Fatal Attraction 2016 New". The M.O. is the same as the women and men of the Contra Costa County Superior Court perpetrated and directed at me. Cruel Catholic M.O. includes no property rights, therefore, they damage people's property, just like "Bad blood" attorney Jane Elliot had contacted two ex-Catholics pretending to simply pack my belongings, move it to storage and return it to me. Instead, they stole, damaged and defiled my belongings. Since the summer of 2016, after I discovered evidence in my medical records that the legal system and the VA lied about me, I simply asked the VA to correct my record. Instead of protecting my rights, they ramped up terrorist attacks again, directed at me and damaged more of my property including sabotaging my classic car. You can read more details about their rampage in my Patch article, Part 3 and Part 4.(Click here for Patch article, "Judges practice Catholic Social Action in Court is illegal", Part 3), and (Click here for Patch article, "Legal System practices Catholic "Dangerous Psychology" is Demonic", Part 4).

2. In the sex abuse documentary, "Twist of Faith" series, about the sex abuse priest Dennis Gray, one of his victim's, Tony, reveals the abuse inflicted on him and his documented journey fighting civilly against the trauma he's left to deal with. In Part 3 of "Twist of Faith", Tony revisits the remote cottage where he was sexually abused, and stated, "What happened at the cottage stayed at the cottage. That was the general rule." (Click here for Twist of Faith P3) This is a term that Catholics created to get away with their dirty deeds. If you don't use this phrase, and you notice others do, it's because they were influenced by someone else. That someone learned the phrase from someone else, and that someone else learned it from others, then tracing back to it's origin. Linked to a cult, then it becomes force if they want you to use it and experience it. That's how societies learn behaviors and express events with words and terms. The Cruel Court behavior is as a cult, What goes on at the court, stays at the court. Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton, former Presiding Judge, who is a criminal for Plagiarizing and issuing an illegal Bench Warrant to take me into custody knowing that the court had been destroying innocent people's lives by denying them their rights to illegally charging them for discriminatory reasons, in March 2018 after becoming the first black DA in the county, "...In a stark shift from longstanding procedure, the new District Attorney sent out a memo Wednesday telling employees not to respond to media inquiries ..., quote from the East Bay Times article, "In policy shift, new Contra Costa DA restricts employees' contact with press" (Click here for article). Even with the misrepresented reason for the media contact, anyone with knowledge of abuses and cover-ups within the DA and courthouse, as well as illegal activities, government organized crimes and using the legal system to destroy unsuspecting citizens can be reported to the media, and other outside sources. In my civil case, Mink v Encina Veterinary Clinic, Inc. et al, their saying is, "What goes on at the veterinary practice, stays at the veterinary practice." This is illegal, unAmerican and cruel to the core of humanity.

In Part 5 of Twist of Faith, during Tony's wedding, the priest performing the ceremony reveals one of their recognizable Cruel Catholic M.O.s by saying, "Ditch that sucker and come away with me." (Click here for Twist of Faith Part 5) Not only is he degrading her fiance, because they don't believe in human rights and make people into dirty rag dolls, but he's degrading her femaleness by trying to "USE" her for himself. Catholics teach narcissism, disrespect and sadomasochism. Obviously he didn't think about how Tony would react in his soul. Catholics don't believe humans have souls. They believe humans are for using - Human Sacrifice. While I was out on bail in

*WARNING: DISTURBING CONTENT - "Canon law is the book of rules that the Catholic Church lives by", "Under Canon law, priests are authorized to protect the church from scandals." "It's called "Mental Reservation"". Referred to as "Strict Mental Reservation" means that you can not answer a question, you can lie in your answer in order to protect the interests of the church.", (quotes from and click here for Twist of Faith Part 7) This is exactly how the Contra Costa County Superior Court, District Attorney, Sheriff's Department and local police departments, and city officials and political representatives are operating. Just like the Roman Catholic Church. THIS IS ILLEGAL!!! Interest for the Legal System is GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION!!! They are committing ORGANIZED CRIMES!!! DEMAND THEY BE INDICTED AND CONVICTED TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW!!! You will also notice this Cruel Catholic M.O. of lying by Catholic co-workers, Catholic bosses, by Catholic neighbors, by Catholic service providers and basically everywhere they are.

3. In the Catholic sex abuse documentary, "Hand of God", by Joe Cultrera, brother of Paul Cultrera, who was abused by Father Joseph Birmingham in Salem, Massachusetts, to help him heal. When Paul went to the Chancery, Archdiocese of Boston and to ask questions, Priest Richard Lennon, in Cruel Catholic M.O., stated, "It's all in your head", "Sir, You're a sad little man." (Click here for Hand of God Part 10, YouTube video) It's about degradation, getting away with their secret demonic sex endeavors, psychological depravity, intimidation and ignoring issues and their deviant behaviors that they perpetrate on unsuspecting people in trusted environments.

4. The Roman Catholic "church taught that to be buried in a non-Christian way would lead to Purgatory and Hell." The town where the bodies were found is Norwich, England which was a devout Christian (Catholic) city with over 40 parishes in the 11th and 12th centuries. The grave was determined to be mass murder and that they were either thrown in the well alive or just after they were killed. DNA proved some of the victims were a family of Jews. (Click here for the documentary "History Cold Case - The Bodies in the Well History Documentary Reel Truth History" YouTube video). This is Pure evil Catholic M.O. to defile people they don't like just like the babies discarded by the St. Mary Mother and Baby Home in Ireland by throwing them down the septic hole and capturing Native Americans in California by the Catholic Missionaries where masses of Natives died in their missions where they were held against their will and forced to convert to their beliefs and work so they (Catholics) could succeed and the Catholics were all for killing them through their slow, methodical, destructive rampage. Catholics believe and practice antisemitism, anti-nationalism, anti-Americanism. Catholics believe they are the superior and the one and only religion and if you aren't Catholic you are scum and treated as a dirty rag doll and used up. However, they purposely torture their own children to make them perpetrate barbaric and deceptive acts so they are programmed to fulfill their annihilation of other peoples, mock them as they are helpless and seek safety before they complete the obliteration process.

5. From the 12th century, a Nunnery was built in Towcester, Northamptonshire, England, where they "engaged in debauchery, ... in public...adultery, incest, sacrilege, fornication. ...witchcraft in the form of... voodoo dolls ... effigies which they (nuns) had displayed of the King and Queen ... cause a scandal.", quote from the "Time Team S15-E07 The Naughty of Northamptom, Towcester, Northamptonshire" excavation documentary (Click here for March 2013, YouTube video). In the history article, "Houses of Cistercian nuns: The priory of Sewardsley", the poor nuns were referred to as "inmates". (Click here for British History Online, "10. THE PRIORY OF SEWARDSLEY"). And in the educational writings of Christian Knudsen, "Promiscuous Monks and Naughty Nuns: Poverty, Sex, Apostasy in Later Medieval England", (Click here for the Academia essay), quote, "By the time Henry the VIII began dissolving the monasteries in England in 1536, many if not most convents were desperately poor and in massive debt. Poor financial management, wasteful extravagance, and outright corruption within convents were often cited as reasons for this poverty." This data based essay reveals that more men were "promiscuous monks", then women were "naughty nuns". Throughout history, we know that reporting of sexual misconduct is much lower than actual incidence occurrences. The Roman Catholic Church is fully aware that their teachings have nothing to do with the Way of Jesus, The Prince of Peace and actually about using Jesus' name and living as Romans have lived before, but they don't want to admit it or claim responsibility for their sexually deviant teachings and behaviors, torture tactics of deprivation of food, holding unsuspecting people in captivity as inmates under the guise of a deranged lesson, using humans as objects, no teachings of decent disciplines, no personal property rights, and no justice.

Q. Is and was Judge Barbara Zuniga engaging in witchcraft and voodoo dolls? And was she involved in this practice while making decisions for her court cases or anyone else's government cases or issues?

6. Warning: Disturbing Content - "They (Romans) had no problem with pedophilia. Sex with children was absolutely standard because slaves were bought as children.", "... gets even worse. Extraordinary depravity becomes ...cruelty." When the elite, Emperor Tiberius became bored with his child-sex-slaves he had them thrown off a cliff. The ones that survived were drowned "for being sex performers." by Tiberius' nephew, a crazy man, and Roman Emperor. Prostitution was not considered fornication. Romans believed and legalized slavery. Same male sex relations was "In Roman there was no interest in moral agenda." They even had a secret society of licentiousness. "... traditional Roman cults frequently practiced animal sacrifice."., as told in the "Roman Vice - History Channel" documentary. (Click here for the YouTube video documentary, Published 2005) These accounts are the same as Roman Catholic behaviors and practices since their inception to today.

(Photo below is just one of the many pieces of evidence that Encina Veterinay Clinic, Inc. et al practiced Animal Sacrifice and used my beloved Pug, Elvira. On May 25, 2006, unbeknownst to me at the time, Encina drained Elvira's blood for work, when I actually asked for her sutures to be removed, however, that was not their concern to care for Elvira, but to use her for Animal Sacrifice for their benefit. The next morning Elvira's conditioned continued to worsen horrifically, and I had her euthanized. Reviewing her medical records now, I believe Elvira had a positive spirit that came through her physically to say goodbye to me about a week before her condition plummeted. She was NEVER the same after they tricked me to hand her over to them about April 12, 2006 to get me to go with what they wanted, which was surgery. After that they kept pushing me to "Come in" to do more acts on her that I didn't want. They had to purposely and maliciously secretly plot using dangerous drugs and harmful procedures to intentionally snowball a continuous service so they could illegally experiment and operate an illegal Dog Lab. I was tipped off in February 2009 after Judge Barbara Zuniga's secretly premeditated court settlement scam hearing that there were two more heinous Encina cases that were revealed to me; the Julie Weeks case and the human trafficking case involving Mr. and Mrs. Fluharty and their dogs. (Click here for Perri & Elvira's website to view more victim's cases.) I'm still tormented and traumatized by the heinous veterinary fraud schemes they subjected us to. So vile and evil people in the guise of, and presenting themselves as animal loving and caring people of fuzzy families and those who love the, bond with them and are cherished. Encina and any of the other veterinarians involved have absolutley NO REMORSE for torturing us in their deceptive, diabolical schemes. Demand that they be indicted and convicted to the full extent of the laws!)

7. Father Malachi Martin stated in a radio interview, "Since 1963, Roman Catholic is run by satan." (Click here for Fr. Malachi Martin on Poisoned Popes & Cardinal Siri on YouTube), plus they poison their own people. In this March 22, 1997 radio interview, Interviewer John Loeffler brings up "Christianity as a whole...which is a massive thrust of agnostic or atheistic, ...pantheistic, socialistic..." and Fr. Martin explains that "I think that we are all going to be marginalized. True believers. ... and that marginalization is going to produce homogeneous for us all. It's a short process... ...maximum of two decades. It's going as fast as that." This was a prediction made in the 1990's that the Roman Catholic Church kept from the general American population. This does not simply apply to Protestants. Beware, Jews are currently appearing to be supported and protected by the Catholic Church, but it's a ruse. Catholics do not use money genuinely, it's to control with vengeance. The Roman Catholic Church has always been run by satan. They simply changed their Roman Empire barbaric teachings and switched names to words and terms related to Jesus' teachings for their deceptive, evil, cruel and inhumane purposes. Throughout history they reinvent themselves, even referring to their secret demonic control rampages as, "modernism", centuries ago. They keep concocting, plotting and perpetrating their new schemes to terrorize others and get the property, land, money, power, and control. They have always used terms that reflect World Domination, such as, "Holy Roman Empire", and "Holy See (Universal Church)".

8. Catholics won't take responsibility for their abusive behaviors. They blame everyone else and are wishy-washy and don't make any sense. "But lets not point any fingers. We're all to blame. All of us, Everyone is to blame", as Fr. Daniel Nolan speaks about sexual deviance in the Roman Catholic Church. Millions of people have nothing to do with the sex abuse in the Catholic Church and he's blaming everyone else. (Click here for "Catholic Crisis - The True Source of the Problem", by Fr. Nolan, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Littleton, Colorado, YouTube video).

9. Catholics don't believe in medical conditions and medical symptoms and have influenced medical professionals to believe and practice their medical heinous fraud schemes on patients rather than provide bespoked healing healthcare. Combine that with non-Catholics, and in what we think is civilized society, the Catholic M.O. of secret demonic exploitation, use-people-up, which is Human Sacrifice, and their teaching and practice of medical deception has surpassed price gauging and excelled into diabolical medical schemes whereby they perpetrate Great Bodily Injuries on unsuspecting clients and patients for unnecessary services while robbing their customer(s) to actually destroy them, including death. The victim(s) have no recourse or anyway for loved ones to fight back. When people have medical conditions and symptoms they view them as imperfect, as weaklings in a mocking sense, and that's their cue to act out aggressively and pretend as if the suffering person is lying. If they are your boss, they will try and fire you. If the person(s) claiming to be sick is Catholic, they were probably lying. This makes the work environments and communications in the community troublesome, hardships and problematic for decent people to live in peace and receive proper and caring healing services. Catholics are constantly in denial. Cruel Catholic M.O. is destructive exclusion. They can't coexist peacefully. Sources are listed throughout this series of articles starting with "Justices and Judges practicing their Catholic upbringing in Court is Outrageous" (Click here for the August 23, 2016, Patch article).

10. Roman Catholics use secret demonic sex endeavors to influence the U.S. society because they know it's addicting. Once you are addicted, you won't let go unless you want to. So instead of thinking rationally on your own accord, you will vehemently defend and protect the sex and hate cult you've unknowingly joined. Therefore, participating with the Cruel Catholic's breakdown of the Legal System, government offices, schools, non-Catholic churches, Protestant Christian stores, medical and mental healthcare facilities, mortgage companies, and so on. They purposely breakdown protections for consumers to rip them off and watch them suffer and lose their property. They promote and protect professionals seeking human trafficking in their workplace and those who perpetrated on unsuspecting patients and clients. It's so that they can get away with the diabolical medical fraud schemes and blame the victim(s) through other government legal system schemes to rip-off Americans leaving the victim(s) high-and-dry. With all the Catholics in top, and higher paying jobs, they donate more to the Catholic Church. Private sector jobs don't pay as much and have less control, therefore they promote their parishioners to seek government positions and to work in law enforcement where they can manipulate their Cruel Catholic M.O.. Protestants and other religious people and non-religious lose their money and property and rights to justice and the Catholics, in their head, WIN.

11. It's true, Former Governor Jerry Brown studied to be a priest. "Brown, a former Jesuit seminarian...", and "From my background (meaning Catholic upbringing), I do believe that redemption is an essential element of being human," he said, rather than focusing on the victim(s) and creating justice for victim(s). (Click here for The San Francisco Chronicle, December 24, 2018, news article, "Gov. Jerry Brown sets record pardons, commutations in California). This means that he believes and practices Cruel Catholic M.O. Mercy, which translates that the criminal gets off, no punishment, less punishment, no discipline, no real moral lessons, never address harmful issues, no teaching children to behave with decency, attack the victim(s) at anytime if you can get away with it so there's no justice, change the punishment to reflect Cruel Catholic M.O., and the victim(s) are mocked, ignored, harrassed, destroyed, terrorized, and are not consoled, not cared for and demoralized for reporting, "complaining", and demanding Justice. It's the opposite of the Jesus Way.

Cruel Catholic M.O. is to praise the perpetrator - this is a taught belief and practice and we see the results and they get a thrill from it (sadomasochism). Fr. Joseph Casey thinks that pedophile, priest, John Geoghan (who thought he was like Jesus Christ), "I personally think he should be remembered as a saint.", as told in the crime documentary, "American Justice", "Sins of a priest John Geoghan", (Click here for the YouTube video) This is so disturbing. The Roman Catholic Church venerates their people who commit bad behaviors, even criminal behaviors, and that is the exact same Cruel Catholic M.O. that they practice here in the Contra Costa County Legal System, including the Walnut Creek Police Department.

More case comparisons that reflect the Cruel Catholic M.O.:

1. This is a scandalous case I posted on my FB. Here is my quote from that November 7, 2018 post: "Another analytical case comparison & Darren Roy Mack is similar to the judges, DA, Sheriff’s Department, Public Defender, attorney, VA doctors, & heinous veterinarians. He was engaged in all types of seedy sex, orgies, sex parties & his wife went along with it to please him. He was never satisfied & was volatile. Finally Darren killed his wife by stabbing, shot at the Judge too. He fled to Mexico just like Dr. Kevin Bissonnette did after I, doting Pug Mom, fought civilly against these vile veterinary evildoers, & filed my civil case in 2008. Judge ordered Darren to pay huge multimillion $ civil settlement. If you research, you will find connection I keep speaking of. Due to copyright, I won’t share here, but if you search engine enough you will eventually find it. Here is Dateline Mystery, “Caught in the Crossfire". Somebody, please help me!!! Somebody, please help us!!! (Click here for Dateline Mystery, "Caught in the Crossfire")

2. I was devastated and very sad when I heard that Selena Quintanilla, a young singer from Texas, was ambushed, shot from behind and murdered in 1995 by her assistant and fan club president, Yolanda Saldivar because she got caught embezzling from Selena. When I was researching about Yolanda Saldivar, Selena's killer, there was Cruel Catholic M.O. present in Yolanda. Yolanda gained Selena's trust. Yolanda was manipulative. Yolanda was obsessed with Selena. Yolanda was controlling her. Yolanda was deceptive. Yolanda was stealing from Selena and her family. Yolanda had a history of stealing money. Yolanda's father, a Mexican immigrant, claimed she was a very religious person, as stated in an online article, "Saldivar's dad cries for mercy -", that has recently become unavailable (Click here for the link). (Update: on Tuesday, February 12, 2019, the link is available) I did not make copies of the report. However, I located a college theses/dissertation questioning if Yolanda is homosexual and was secretly attracted to Selena. (Click here for "UCLA Electronic Theses and Dissertations", "Is Yolanda Saldivar Homo La Flor? Revisiting Selena Commodities and the (im)Possibility of Queer Latinx Cultural Citizenship", by Rachael Anne Greenberg, Published 2016)

Other terms, phrases and customs that Catholics may say and use to cause harm and deny rights:

- "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.", this is repeated in their head, to ignore you forever. This phrase is used in their government job in the legal system too so that you never get justice.

- Catholic gift givings are bribes, this includes any money contributed for "causes" (their facade) versus other cultural customs of gift giving are thanksgivings, appreciation of other's hospitality, showing generosity for being invited into someone's home, etc.

- "Die" or "Drop dead", this is a thought carried-out through deranged, hinting games directed at their target(s). For example, after numerous, long-term, demoralizing efforts by the Veterans Affairs Mental Health and Health Care Clinic, they selected a new psychologist for me named, "Dr. Dye".

- "Don't hold your breath.", this is used in the legal system because they know they are not hearing cases according to laws.

- "There's no escaping us.", this phrase is to hold someone or people captive or to control their target(s) from living according to democratic laws. I met several women in West County Detention Facility and at Napa State Hospital that were being held captive illegally.

- "You're self-righteous", this is an immediate response when an individual is fighting for justice, making an official complaint, filing a report about other people's bad behaviors, uncivil actions, illegal acts, etc..., especially if the reporting party(ies) are Christians, not Catholics.

- "Respect", for Cruel Catholic M.O.ers, this means to pretend that you care at first and on the surface, through voice tone that can sound pleasant. However, they do not care and do not complete the caring process that results in care for others.

Roman Catholic Cruel Motives ruined the Legal System

The American Traditional Catholics are speaking out against the Novus Order (New World Order) Modernism of what I exposed as Secret Demonic Sexualizing. Cruel Catholic M.O. that I speak of has been practiced since the Roman Catholic Church’s inception. In the YouTube video, “An Unholy Alliance: The UN, Soros, and the Francis Papacy – Elizabeth Yore”, “Countdown to 2017”, “Chicago 2016” (Click here for video), Elizabeth Yore, an attorney specializing in combating human trafficking, and a Traditional Catholic, spoke at The Fatima Center that Pope Francis, the puppet of George Soros, and the United Nations is to pass their agenda of what the general population hears of as “Global Warming”, which changed to the term, “Climate Change”, then to “Sustainable Development”. In my area the term is “Sustainable Living”. “The UN’s Sustainable Development goals agenda is to pass abortion, gender bending, contraceptive laden infused,…” If you review my Patch, Part 1 through 4 articles, you will learn that I am already the victim of their destructive, cruel and inhumane “gender bending”, population control obliteration process. Me thinks that the San Francisco Bay Area, California, is the prototype for the New World Order. Ms. Yore explains that Global Warming is a ruse to impose population control, and that there is a “close connection between climate change on human trafficking.”, quote from the video. She also states that the “…Left (political party) is to lure people into passivity and complacency and to assume that any of their goals are lofty.” In their wicked and vengeful minds they assumed that I wanted to have children and marry anyone, therefore, they kidnapped me to hold me captive because I was still menstruating and then I have no chance to make babies, according to their imaginary, wicked fairy tales. The local police even entered my sanctuary home perhaps looking for sex toys, tampons, feminine pads and who knows what else, without a search warrant on more than one occasion. I never wanted children of my own in my life. I wanted to adopt children since the eighth grade. I’ve even told a “Christian friend” in the late 1990’s that “if everyone thought like me (referring to not having children), there would be no more people on earth.

Cruel Catholic Vengeance Rampage is a Pattern

I began thinking why would the Roman Catholic Church target the United States of America. It must be more than simple control. They blame everyone else for their doings. In Contra Costa County the news included excuses by legal system employees that it's because the courthouses are on American Indian burial grounds, or because the Walnut Creek Police Department's address is (1)666 for the devil, or it's because of Andrew Lloyd Webber, it's because of the British Empire, it's because of Alice in Wonderland, it's because the litigant(s) are starting the "war". It's none of these bizarre excuses. I proved the debauched, debased and Cruel Court is operated just like the Catholic Church. Why is California government out of control? Why is the government perpetrating and setting up Cruel Traps for unsuspecting people here, tourists and temporary workers? I wondered if it has to do with the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy (D. 1963) and his brother Bobby Kennedy (D. 1968), Irish Catholics and hardcore criminal mob family. Many top government jobs now are controlled by Catholics, people who want to be like Catholics and practicing heterophobics and that females (not lesbians, not feminists) are sex toys and scum of the earth. Think about it. The Catholic Church has always mocked and degraded the British Empire because of King Henry the VIII of England. They pretend that Queen Elizabeth caused the same sex lifestyles and Modernism. She didn't, the Roman Catholic Church did. It's in their plotting and evidenced as such. Catholics continue to mock, ridicule, degrade, demoralize, and work to destroy Protestants (of the Calvinists and Puritans) by presenting their faith as incorrect, unChristian, and untrue, and "This is not the Jesus Way". This is all to rid of Protestants because they broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in England. In "The Download - Banning Christmas", by the Church Militant, last Christmas season of 2018, they had a special commentary focusing on making-fun-of Protestants of Scotland and making mocking facial expressions. Then admitting that, "Catholics are about what your psyche wants.", quoted from their program. Which translates to self-regulation, and no moral guidlines. (Click here for "The Download - Banning Christmas", "Too 'popish' for Puritans", December 28, 2018, YouTube video) Catholics believe and practice from their ego, idolatry which causes worshiping relics and viewing people as objects instead of caring and providing bespoked services for and about humans and sentient beings based on individuality, reciting which is simply memorizing, rather than applying to daily devotional life experiences with Jesus, The Prince of Peace and believing in God, which promotes their degrading, self-motivated endeavors. They are discouraged from reading the Holy Bible and to follow the Pope through the priest at the local parish, not God. Catholics are to act and perform as a Star creating a fantasy instead of applying real concerns, real thoughtful and empathetically motivated reactions and responses for the peaceful, healing and just results in the name of Jesus, through God the Almighty and the Holy Ghost. In the Download video they could have spent positive energy communicating about Jesus' teachings, Biblical principles and personal life applications. Instead they are attacking Puritans and the Puritans aren't even there to speak in defense, that's insulting, unfair, disrespectful and harmful - and that is Catholic Way total influence, contamination, and instilling hatred. Catholics believe and practice that "Fear of God" is to make people fearful of them through abuse, threats, mockery, and damaging their property and livelihood. That's not Jesus Way. Catholics - Attend to your own behaviors that are offensive and oppressive to others and spend time only staying to yourselves and leave other faith based people alone. In the United States, the laws are written so we can all coexist peacefully. The founding fathers of the U.S. were Puritans and they created law so not one religion can control the government because they were aware and against the Roman Catholics pattern and history of going on rampages and terrorizing people to take control of their property and land. (Click here for excellent documentary on John Calvin who is said to be the inventor of America, "24. The Life and Times of John Calvin (part 2)", YouTube video) Quote, History is eloquent in declaring that American democracy wa born of Christianity and that that Christianity was Calvinism."

Statement by Perri Mink (today is Tuesday, February 5, 2019):

What you can do.

Continually send demands to your representatives, to the White House and President Trump, as he states in a letter to the CatholicVote, dated October 1, 2016, "Protection of the nation and its people come first."(Click here for Donald Trump's letter to CatholicVote)​, to law enforcement, FBI, CIA, Pentagon, the House of Representative, your local court, your State Bar and Attorney General, the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Surgeon General, the city council members, even city managers, tell your friends, other faith based people, and explain that you want the U.S. to be a nation of the different peoples and diverse religious beliefs and practices that are peaceful and caring in communities that are already here, to coexist peacefully and for Catholic Action (Cruel Catholic M.O. and Novus Ordo (New World Order)) of itself, in gov to be abolished, as Catholics have a history of anti-nationalism. That's why U.S. veterans are not receiving the care they need. Demand that Catholics schools be shut-down because they are teaching terrorism on unsuspecting U.S. citizens and visitors here and not conforming and complying to teach peaceful coexistence and taking care of people in the nation of the United States.

And in my case, Mink v Encina Veterinary Clinic, Inc. et al, and the case where I'm terrorized, destroyed and defiled, People v Mink, DEMAND THAT THESE GOVERNMENT WOMEN OFFICIALS (and the men that go along with them), BE INDICTED AND CONVICTED, to the full extent of the law​s, FOR COMMITTING ORGANIZED CRIMES! It's obvious that they got their jobs to fulfill their own sex and hate cult, to go shopping, to flirt, to fornicate, to buy homes, to compete harmfully, to lie, to mock, to deny justice, to set-up unsuspecting people to watch them suffer, to look good, for attention, for the money, but not to serve their communities or for this nation and it's people.

("Despotic", relating to "despot", meaning, "one exercising power tyrannically : a person exercising absolute power in a brutal or oppressive way", and related to the Eastern Roman Empire, known as the Byzantine. (Click here for Merriam-Webster dictionary website definition of "despot").)

(Photo taken on November 29, 2018 of downtown Martinez and Carquinez Strait. The tallest building is the Contra Costa County, California, Administration Building. Near there is the Superior Courthouses and District Attorney offices.)

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